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Help policyholders achieve healthier, longer lives

At Genomics, we give your policyholders the most precious gift of all — the opportunity to live their longest, healthiest lives — while dramatically reducing your risk exposure and increasing your lifetime customer value and profitability.

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Leverage the power of the Genomics platform with an at-home test to identify policyholders at risk of conditions. Then give them the tools and support to help them achieve a healthier, longer life.
Reports returned directly to members


Easy-to-understand presentation and explanation of results


Tailored action plans based on patient information and test results


Option to share results with primary care provider


Genomics has a partnership with MassMutual offering genetic risk assessments to policyholders.

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Insights from industry insiders

Leveraging Genetic Risk Testing for Healthier, Longer Lives


Deep dive into how genetic offerings are reshaping the landscape of life insurance by encouraging policyholders to proactively engage in their health and well-being. View the roundtable where life insurance industry leaders from MassMutual and Munich Re join Genomic CEO and Co-Founder, Peter Donnelly, to discuss the benefits, challenges and future prospects.

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Genomics allows us to offer policyowners an innovative way to gain knowledge about their risks for common diseases. We saw that many participants ultimately used that information to take preventative health action.

“Overall, everything about the experience was fantastic. Easy to use, very good visual aids and presentation.”

“This information allows you to make health changes now that can impact your quality of life later.”

“The overall risk factors were interesting to learn about and will help plan for preventative care.”

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Genomics helps drive lifetime customer value

Understanding the risk of disease is the first step in preventing it. Our platform provides at-risk policyholders with the personalised tools and guidance to put them on a healthier trajectory and increase their quality of life expectancy. That’s good news for your policyholders and great news for you.

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Learn how Genomics can help your policyholders. And you. Contact us!